I was having a stressful day... So here is what I did to turn my overwhelm into calm.
I retired from RE/MAX Mena a month ago. And now I’m forgetting about my toes, and I’m diving in!
Besides Retirement??
I don’t want to Change your Life…But if you want to Change your Life, I’m here to help you!
What does “Happy New Year” mean? Is it like, Hello, for the New Year? I think probably it is.
Some Days are just not as good as others… Do you agree?
Hurdles come in all sizes. So many of our hurdles in life are tricks to make us feel trapped. We’re not. Here are some steps that can show you a better way to face that mountain. You CAN get through it, and you may even be able to find a smile.
Is Your Body Talking to You?Well, if you’re having some problems with your body, chances are that’s what’s happening. If that sounds odd of over-simplified, it may be. But pay close attention to your Body…
Are you having a hard time getting all your tasks done?
Do you have Goals? Are they working for you?
.....because we’re always Listening!!
Some of us were trained to believe that Words don’t matter. But the fact is, WORDS MATTER!
Personally, I think it’s good for us to celebrate every time we can. And I think it’s good for us to celebrate Every PERSON we can!
How old do you feel?
How old do you want to feel?
Do you take Vacations? How about a Mini-Vacation?
Stress is a “Killer”. Overwork and Overwhelm are roads in that direction.
Do You Keep Putting Things Off?
Is Procrastination Good, or Should we Look Deeper…
What is Depression, anyway?
Or By Design!
Do you live on “auto pilot”?
Are you troubled with migraines?
Sinus headaches?
Intestinal issues?
Aches and Pains for no reason?
Can FATIGUE be a message your body is sending you?
Maybe you need more sleep?
Maybe you need to just sleep better?
Are you satisfied with your life right now?
I’ve written about “Vision” in a few of my articles; last week mentioned it when I was talking about “too many things to do”.
Build your Immune System!
Do you catch every “bug” that comes along?
How is your health? Are you well? Are you in good health?
Do you have energy? Do you feel well when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel like your mind is sharp?
I wonder how it would be if we “just sloooowed down a little in 2024.
I didn’t ever like tests in school (I was rarely even semi-prepared). I didn’t make very good grades, and the tests helped me get those grades.
We hear a lot about “Inflammation”.
What is it, anyway?
What are the symptoms?
And What causes it?
And What can we do about it??
Do you have FEAR?
So, is fear good? Is it bad?
Have you ever been pinched for not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day?
As a kid in school, anyone who didn’t wear green got pinched (some used to say the tradition was to get a kiss, instead of a pinch). And when those boys pinched, some of them pinched really hard!
How much can we leave undone and be ok with it?
How “perfect” can we be?
Where do we “draw the line” on what we can do?
Do you need some tips and hacks to soothe or prevent “Burnout”?
Is your life like this:
Ugh! I just can’t keep going like this!
I want to do this work—I Love this work! But my energy is in the tank, and I have to try hard just to care!
Decoration Day…Memorial Day…
And “The Ripple Effect”…how far can it go?
Memorial Day is America’s most solemn holiday.
What’s happening!! I’m too young to be “old”!
Where does our energy come from? And Where does it go?!
Are you Thriving, or Surviving?
Flourishing, or Existing…?
How much can we, as humans, overcome? How much can we change our lives?
There’s Something we Need to do…
There’s No Short Way to say the words that explain the Value of “Moving our Body”!
And WALKING is a simple, yet valuable way to get moving.
How Simple?
They say, “We need to reflect on our life.”
What does that mean?
This “reflection”, what does it do?
What do I do?
Where do I start?
What Should I be eating??
Maybe it’s time for a Coaching Class!
What does TODAY mean to you?
Do you see it as a Gift?
Another Day to “get through”?
A Blessing?
A Stressful time to get through?
The Seasons Change…
Do we change with the seasons?
Or do you believe we have our own Seasons of Change?
Do you believe people can re-create their bodies to be healthy and energetic—full of life?
Hurry, Scurry… run… do one more thing…
who did I forget?
… what did I forget?
… Oh, yeah, I should…
I hope you have had a Wonderful Christmas Holiday.
What have you done in 2024? Let’s reflect a little.
Well, Time’s up. I’ve missed you.
I kept thinking things I wanted to tell you. So I’ll just bring you up to date a little this week.
Fair Booth planned; booth work schedule planned; family reunion planned...regular responsibilities planned...
Do poor sleep habits feel "normal"? Think maybe you're just "made" for less sleep than others? Or that it's "okay" because you're "getting by"?
Upon Us!
I think sometimes—maybe most of the time—we want so much for things to be really, really nice (well, perfect maybe), and when we see that NOT happening, we begin to stress. But maybe our “perfect-meter” needs to be adjusted…Relaxed a bit... So we can ENJOY the holidays.
Does it feel like the odds are stacked against you?
Lots of times our paths are full of all kinds of Nasty Stuff…”unmentionables”…
Does it feel like the odds are stacked against you?
OK; you’ve decided you want to be “healthier”…
You don’t believe people can re-create their bodies to be healthy and energetic—full of life?
If you have chronic health problems, or problems with your health at all, low energy, lack of sleep, skin problems, autoimmune issues…don’t let Standard American Thinking keep you from believing—you can change that! You can change your life.
Are you Ready to Actually Enjoy your Work Life along with your Regular Life?
Do you think it’s Possible?
Why do we put things off we need to do?
Are you Normal? Am I Normal? Who decides?
Changes Happen. Sometimes many changes happen at the same time.
Life doesn’t feel so good when different things come at us all at once.
Do you have a Goal?
Having trouble reaching it?
We’ve talked about lots of ways to “LIVE”—and I’m just curious…Do you LIVE your LIFE the way you want to live it?
…How about Intermittent Fasting?
I have a few questions to think about…
Small Changes… REALLY??
You mean…Not the “Perfect” Plan??
I talk about well-being a lot—I talk about health a lot—
We need our bodies to be healthy—our brains to be alert and sharp…Right?
I stressed pretty much all of the month before my first time to have a table at the health fair.
Why, in the world??
I lived in the country growing up, had no transportation to town for sports, etc., and wasn’t very active in “after school” events. I was younger than the rest, and I never was “social” in school, and didn’t really get to know my classmates very well.
(And How Can We Change That?!!)
Thanksgiving is pretty much my favorite holiday. For our family, it’s usually about the whole family getting together, sometimes with added neighbors or friends. It seems like a natural time to feel Thankfulness and Appreciation.
Christmas is hard for some people. Some people are very lonely at this time of year—if they have lost loved ones, or had chaotic or harsh, sometimes devastating experiences during this holiday.
Sick, Sick, Sick.
Coughing, Sniffling!
Clothes, I prefer good quality. They don’t have to be name brand, but I tend to think they last longer if they’re better quality.
How many people do you have good, close relationships with?
If you want to learn how real food can change your life, this is the time...
Do you think holding that grudge would affect your health? To Forgive, does that mean you need to reconcile? Does it mean you have to accept the harmful behaviors from an offender?
Do we need more sleep?
Does lack of quality sleep affect our health?
Is there a link between poor sleep and Alzheimer’s disease?
Some people don’t have their mother on this earth anymore;
Some people for one reason or another might not have had a nurturing mother and might not have pleasant memories of their mother for whatever reasons.
Ahhh, for that Perfect Beach Body! Summer’s coming…almost here. Pools are opening up. Beautiful Bathing suits are everywhere.
Lots of people feel shame at how they look in a bathing suit. I’ll have to be honest, I have too. And I still do if I get to thinking a lot about it.
Do you realize…
We don’t have to be so sick?
There ARE exceptions, when we have no control. But for the most part, we don’t have to be so sick!
If you know me a little bit, you may know I love sunrises. I love to watch them change hues, and brighten as the new day begins.
I know we’ve talked a lot about goals. But today I’d like to give you enough information to truly reach them. It is one of the most important thing we can do in our lives. Set Goals… and Reach for them.
Do you wonder why you can’t reach a specific goal?
How much does our social life affect our every-day life?
Ever heard, “I’m fine, just me. I don’t like being sociable.”
Do we have to enjoy being “sociable” to have friends?
Over the years we've been told THESE foods are bad....we should eat this instead...
Where did all this research come from?
Better yet… Who pays for this research?
What about the “Heart Healthy Check” on foods?
Does that mean those foods are Healthy?
Are you in the habit of celebrating milestones? How about celebrating seasons changing?
I know some of us change the decor in our house with seasons, inside and outside, and with holidays too. Had you thought to celebrate those changes of seasons?
It’s That Time!!!
The holidays are coming…
the GOOD, the FUN and the EXCITEMENT…
the RUSH, the STRESS, and the OVER-EATING!
And… Some feel the Sadness…
So, How do YOU get ready for the holidays?
I’m grateful for where I live—the farm, the community, our little town, our state, and our great country.
Sleep is the most under-appreciated Pillar of Health.
We spend about ⅓ of our time on Planet Earth, asleep.
If you get sufficient peaceful sleep, you can actually lose body fat during your sleep. Actual fat.
So… it’s the beginning of a new year…
Do you have a plan for it?
or do you “Make New Years’ Resolutions”?
We don’t always feel good…
Should you go to the Doctor? Well, What would the doctor check for, or do?
You don’t really want to take more Medicine? Rather figure it out for yourself?
I’m a Health Coach. I’m a Realtor.
I love coaching. I love helping people realize new things about their health…and that they can actually, truly help themselves toward their goals.
We work hard… proud we can work, and keep on working hard…Obstacle after Obstacle, we power-through, and keep going. We Can DO IT!! … … is it a WIN?
I heard on the news today that more people DIE from heart attacks between December 25 and January 1, over any other week of the year…
What do we talk about? What happens to us when we have conversations with people? Does it matter if it’s positive or negative? How about our own self-talk? Do these conversations affect our health? Our Mind? Our Stress Level?
Valentine’s Day is coming up....
I don’t have time…
For proper food…
To exercise…
To do fun things…
To relax…
To sleep…
Does this sound like your life?
We don’t always feel good…
Should you go to the Doctor? Well, What would the doctor check for, or do?
You don’t really want to take more Medicine? Rather figure it out for yourself?
Are you filled up the way you want to be?
Do you want to be Full to the Brim?
What do you want to be filled with?
How often do you do something you're afraid to do?
Have you ever felt like just totally NOT doing ANYTHING?
Like being a knot on a log—or a slug in the sunshine…
We’re getting ready for summer in the South, and it’s time for harvesting those fresh fruit and vegetables! What a great time to enjoy good quality food!
Like, Perfect??
Do you notice an emphasis on perfection in our world?
Oops! I ate that Brownie!!
Have you reached any milestones or goals this week?
If you have not, there’s sure no crime in that.
Events happen in our lives, and things change…things close to us, and things outside our circle too. Sometimes all those things change how we look at our lives.
Are you bothered with Headaches? Migraines???
I “retired” in 2022, one year ago. We sold the real estate business 2 years ago, and my husband “retired” so he could spend full-time with his cattle. I was excited to have more time to officially coach individuals and groups on how to live a healthier and more vibrant life.
The holidays are coming…
Did you ever feel like a loner…just want to be by yourself?
This blog isn’t necessarily focused on health, but the understanding of it can actually give you more peace in your life, which ultimately is a great boost to your mental and physical health.
Have you ever:
1. Have had something you knew you should and could do, but just hadn’t been able to make progress and go forward with it, then
2. Finally you got really tired of being in that spot, and made a definite decision to go forward, made a plan, and asked (God) for help with direction, then
3. Things started happening, just almost falling into place to help you? Maybe not even in the direction you thought?
Well, that’s where I am.
Have you ever looked closely at a Wild Goose? They are Huge!! And they are sooo beautiful!!
On a scale of 1 being pretty dull-thinking, and 10 being sharp as a tack, where do you rate yourself?
Do you challenge your brain regularly? Like during every day… like just part of your normal day?
What is Junk Food anyway?
Why do so many people say it’s Bad for us??Why do we want it?
How would it affect our bodies if we stopped eating it?
We feel bad…
Our blood pressure is a little high…
We’re “borderline” diabetes…
We continually have digestion problems…
Most of us today stress a lot about “diet”.
Are you one of those??
Checking out every new diet? Questioning your friends about their diets? Trying to figure out what could work for you?
Continuously searching into every crevice to find something “that will work”?
How much rushing do you do?
Do you rush everywhere? Doing everything?
Rush through eating?
Rush through “listening”?
First of All, Congratulations, America!! On the 248th Commemoration of the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted!!
Do you like living in this state?
”I can’t be still! I’ve always been that way!”
”I’ve got to be doing something!”
”I don’t have time…”
Are those statements really true? Do you believe they say the truth?
Do you want to talk about Aging…?
Lots of people, maybe most people that are “older” in their own eyes, don’t feel comfortable talking about aging, and it seems to just fade into the back of their mind… until weakness and ill health begin. Then I hear all sorts of conversations about how bad “old age” is.
Can we do without “family”?
Well, some people do. As their parents and grandparents are no longer with us, or if they are separated from each other somehow, or other reasons you are left with no real “family”, these people live and are productive and caring individuals.
So what value is family?
Lots of people say, they don’t care what people think. I’ve said that myself at times.
Sometimes, I really don’t care. But I think deep down, we do have the feeling that we’d like for people to think we’re ok. Or maybe even extra good—at something.
Why do we have Stress?
What does it do for us?
Well, Stress typically causes us to take some kind of Action. (A good thing!)
Does your body feel Energetic?
or are you Tired, and Slow?
Where does our energy go?
Where does it come from?
Why can’t we reach those elusive goals?
Why can’t we stay motivated?
I’m grateful for where I live—the farm, the community, our little town, our state, and our great country.
This blog isn’t necessarily focused on health, but the understanding of it can actually give you more peace in your life, which ultimately is a great boost to your mental and physical health.
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Where does that come from?
Sometimes we need to honestly and boldly look that overwhelm straight in the eye, and make decisions we need to make.
Would you rather eat “real” food, or would you rather eat “food” that’s made in factories with chemicals and other foreign substances?
Functional Health and Stress Management
Would you rather eat “real” food, or would you rather eat “food” that’s made in factories with chemicals and other foreign substances?
We don’t always feel good…
Should you go to the Doctor? Well, What would the doctor check for, or do?
You don’t really want to take more Medicine? Rather figure it out for yourself?
Well, Time’s up. I’ve missed you.
I kept thinking things I wanted to tell you. So I’ll just bring you up to date a little this week.
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Where does that come from?
Sometimes we need to honestly and boldly look that overwhelm straight in the eye, and make decisions we need to make.
So… it’s the beginning of a new year…
Do you have a plan for it?
or do you “Make New Years’ Resolutions”?
I hope you have had a Wonderful Christmas Holiday.
What have you done in 2024? Let’s reflect a little.
This blog isn’t necessarily focused on health, but the understanding of it can actually give you more peace in your life, which ultimately is a great boost to your mental and physical health.
Sleep is the most under-appreciated Pillar of Health.
We spend about ⅓ of our time on Planet Earth, asleep.
If you get sufficient peaceful sleep, you can actually lose body fat during your sleep. Actual fat.
Hurry, Scurry… run… do one more thing…
who did I forget?
… what did I forget?
… Oh, yeah, I should…
Can we really take care of ourselves during the holidays?
There are lots of distractions in our everyday life, all year through.
Cooking, cleaning, appointments, meetings, phone calls, scrolling social media, actual “work”, checking in with loved ones, and all manner of everything else.
Then we try to squeeze in some fun, and some relax time.
I’m grateful for where I live—the farm, the community, our little town, our state, and our great country.
Do you believe people can re-create their bodies to be healthy and energetic—full of life?
Does your body feel Energetic?
or are you Tired, and Slow?
Where does our energy go?
Where does it come from?
Why can’t we reach those elusive goals?
Why can’t we stay motivated?
It’s That Time!!!
The holidays are coming…
the GOOD, the FUN and the EXCITEMENT…
the RUSH, the STRESS, and the OVER-EATING!
And… Some feel the Sadness…
So, How do YOU get ready for the holidays?
The Seasons Change…
Do we change with the seasons?
Or do you believe we have our own Seasons of Change?
Why do we have Stress?
What does it do for us?
Well, Stress typically causes us to take some kind of Action. (A good thing!)
Are you in the habit of celebrating milestones? How about celebrating seasons changing?
I know some of us change the decor in our house with seasons, inside and outside, and with holidays too. Had you thought to celebrate those changes of seasons?
What does TODAY mean to you?
Do you see it as a Gift?
Another Day to “get through”?
A Blessing?
A Stressful time to get through?
Lots of people say, they don’t care what people think. I’ve said that myself at times.
Sometimes, I really don’t care. But I think deep down, we do have the feeling that we’d like for people to think we’re ok. Or maybe even extra good—at something.
Over the years we've been told THESE foods are bad....we should eat this instead...
Where did all this research come from?
Better yet… Who pays for this research?
What about the “Heart Healthy Check” on foods?
Does that mean those foods are Healthy?
What do I do?
Where do I start?
What Should I be eating??
Maybe it’s time for a Coaching Class!
Can we do without “family”?
Well, some people do. As their parents and grandparents are no longer with us, or if they are separated from each other somehow, or other reasons you are left with no real “family”, these people live and are productive and caring individuals.
So what value is family?
How much does our social life affect our every-day life?
Ever heard, “I’m fine, just me. I don’t like being sociable.”
Do we have to enjoy being “sociable” to have friends?
They say, “We need to reflect on our life.”
What does that mean?
This “reflection”, what does it do?
Do you want to talk about Aging…?
Lots of people, maybe most people that are “older” in their own eyes, don’t feel comfortable talking about aging, and it seems to just fade into the back of their mind… until weakness and ill health begin. Then I hear all sorts of conversations about how bad “old age” is.
I know we’ve talked a lot about goals. But today I’d like to give you enough information to truly reach them. It is one of the most important thing we can do in our lives. Set Goals… and Reach for them.
Do you wonder why you can’t reach a specific goal?
There’s Something we Need to do…
There’s No Short Way to say the words that explain the Value of “Moving our Body”!
And WALKING is a simple, yet valuable way to get moving.
How Simple?
Do you like living in this state?
”I can’t be still! I’ve always been that way!”
”I’ve got to be doing something!”
”I don’t have time…”
Are those statements really true? Do you believe they say the truth?
If you know me a little bit, you may know I love sunrises. I love to watch them change hues, and brighten as the new day begins.
Are you Thriving, or Surviving?
Flourishing, or Existing…?
How much can we, as humans, overcome? How much can we change our lives?
First of All, Congratulations, America!! On the 248th Commemoration of the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted!!
Do you realize…
We don’t have to be so sick?
There ARE exceptions, when we have no control. But for the most part, we don’t have to be so sick!
What’s happening!! I’m too young to be “old”!
Where does our energy come from? And Where does it go?!
How much rushing do you do?
Do you rush everywhere? Doing everything?
Rush through eating?
Rush through “listening”?
Ahhh, for that Perfect Beach Body! Summer’s coming…almost here. Pools are opening up. Beautiful Bathing suits are everywhere.
Lots of people feel shame at how they look in a bathing suit. I’ll have to be honest, I have too. And I still do if I get to thinking a lot about it.
Decoration Day…Memorial Day…
And “The Ripple Effect”…how far can it go?
Memorial Day is America’s most solemn holiday.
Most of us today stress a lot about “diet”.
Are you one of those??
Checking out every new diet? Questioning your friends about their diets? Trying to figure out what could work for you?
Continuously searching into every crevice to find something “that will work”?
Some people don’t have their mother on this earth anymore;
Some people for one reason or another might not have had a nurturing mother and might not have pleasant memories of their mother for whatever reasons.
Do you need some tips and hacks to soothe or prevent “Burnout”?
Is your life like this:
Ugh! I just can’t keep going like this!
I want to do this work—I Love this work! But my energy is in the tank, and I have to try hard just to care!
We feel bad…
Our blood pressure is a little high…
We’re “borderline” diabetes…
We continually have digestion problems…
Do we need more sleep?
Does lack of quality sleep affect our health?
Is there a link between poor sleep and Alzheimer’s disease?
How much can we leave undone and be ok with it?
How “perfect” can we be?
Where do we “draw the line” on what we can do?
What is Junk Food anyway?
Why do so many people say it’s Bad for us??Why do we want it?
How would it affect our bodies if we stopped eating it?
Do you think holding that grudge would affect your health? To Forgive, does that mean you need to reconcile? Does it mean you have to accept the harmful behaviors from an offender?
Have you ever been pinched for not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day?
As a kid in school, anyone who didn’t wear green got pinched (some used to say the tradition was to get a kiss, instead of a pinch). And when those boys pinched, some of them pinched really hard!
Do you challenge your brain regularly? Like during every day… like just part of your normal day?
If you want to learn how real food can change your life, this is the time...
Do you have FEAR?
So, is fear good? Is it bad?
On a scale of 1 being pretty dull-thinking, and 10 being sharp as a tack, where do you rate yourself?
How many people do you have good, close relationships with?
We hear a lot about “Inflammation”.
What is it, anyway?
What are the symptoms?
And What causes it?
And What can we do about it??
Have you ever looked closely at a Wild Goose? They are Huge!! And they are sooo beautiful!!
Clothes, I prefer good quality. They don’t have to be name brand, but I tend to think they last longer if they’re better quality.
I didn’t ever like tests in school (I was rarely even semi-prepared). I didn’t make very good grades, and the tests helped me get those grades.
Have you ever:
1. Have had something you knew you should and could do, but just hadn’t been able to make progress and go forward with it, then
2. Finally you got really tired of being in that spot, and made a definite decision to go forward, made a plan, and asked (God) for help with direction, then
3. Things started happening, just almost falling into place to help you? Maybe not even in the direction you thought?
Well, that’s where I am.
Sick, Sick, Sick.
Coughing, Sniffling!
I wonder how it would be if we “just sloooowed down a little in 2024.
This blog isn’t necessarily focused on health, but the understanding of it can actually give you more peace in your life, which ultimately is a great boost to your mental and physical health.
Christmas is hard for some people. Some people are very lonely at this time of year—if they have lost loved ones, or had chaotic or harsh, sometimes devastating experiences during this holiday.
How is your health? Are you well? Are you in good health?
Do you have energy? Do you feel well when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel like your mind is sharp?
Did you ever feel like a loner…just want to be by yourself?
Thanksgiving is pretty much my favorite holiday. For our family, it’s usually about the whole family getting together, sometimes with added neighbors or friends. It seems like a natural time to feel Thankfulness and Appreciation.
Build your Immune System!
Do you catch every “bug” that comes along?
The holidays are coming…
(And How Can We Change That?!!)
Are you satisfied with your life right now?
I’ve written about “Vision” in a few of my articles; last week mentioned it when I was talking about “too many things to do”.
I “retired” in 2022, one year ago. We sold the real estate business 2 years ago, and my husband “retired” so he could spend full-time with his cattle. I was excited to have more time to officially coach individuals and groups on how to live a healthier and more vibrant life.
I lived in the country growing up, had no transportation to town for sports, etc., and wasn’t very active in “after school” events. I was younger than the rest, and I never was “social” in school, and didn’t really get to know my classmates very well.
Can FATIGUE be a message your body is sending you?
Maybe you need more sleep?
Maybe you need to just sleep better?
Are you bothered with Headaches? Migraines???
I stressed pretty much all of the month before my first time to have a table at the health fair.
Why, in the world??
Are you troubled with migraines?
Sinus headaches?
Intestinal issues?
Aches and Pains for no reason?
Events happen in our lives, and things change…things close to us, and things outside our circle too. Sometimes all those things change how we look at our lives.
I talk about well-being a lot—I talk about health a lot—
We need our bodies to be healthy—our brains to be alert and sharp…Right?
Or By Design!
Do you live on “auto pilot”?
Have you reached any milestones or goals this week?
If you have not, there’s sure no crime in that.
Small Changes… REALLY??
You mean…Not the “Perfect” Plan??
What is Depression, anyway?
Oops! I ate that Brownie!!
…How about Intermittent Fasting?
I have a few questions to think about…
Do You Keep Putting Things Off?
Is Procrastination Good, or Should we Look Deeper…
Like, Perfect??
Do you notice an emphasis on perfection in our world?
We’ve talked about lots of ways to “LIVE”—and I’m just curious…Do you LIVE your LIFE the way you want to live it?
Do you take Vacations? How about a Mini-Vacation?
Stress is a “Killer”. Overwork and Overwhelm are roads in that direction.
We’re getting ready for summer in the South, and it’s time for harvesting those fresh fruit and vegetables! What a great time to enjoy good quality food!
Do you have a Goal?
Having trouble reaching it?
How old do you feel?
How old do you want to feel?
Have you ever felt like just totally NOT doing ANYTHING?
Like being a knot on a log—or a slug in the sunshine…
Changes Happen. Sometimes many changes happen at the same time.
Life doesn’t feel so good when different things come at us all at once.
Personally, I think it’s good for us to celebrate every time we can. And I think it’s good for us to celebrate Every PERSON we can!
How often do you do something you're afraid to do?
Are you Normal? Am I Normal? Who decides?
.....because we’re always Listening!!
Some of us were trained to believe that Words don’t matter. But the fact is, WORDS MATTER!
Are you filled up the way you want to be?
Do you want to be Full to the Brim?
What do you want to be filled with?
Why do we put things off we need to do?
Are you having a hard time getting all your tasks done?
Do you have Goals? Are they working for you?
We don’t always feel good…
Should you go to the Doctor? Well, What would the doctor check for, or do?
You don’t really want to take more Medicine? Rather figure it out for yourself?
Are you Ready to Actually Enjoy your Work Life along with your Regular Life?
Do you think it’s Possible?
Is Your Body Talking to You?Well, if you’re having some problems with your body, chances are that’s what’s happening. If that sounds odd of over-simplified, it may be. But pay close attention to your Body…
I don’t have time…
For proper food…
To exercise…
To do fun things…
To relax…
To sleep…
Does this sound like your life?
You don’t believe people can re-create their bodies to be healthy and energetic—full of life?
If you have chronic health problems, or problems with your health at all, low energy, lack of sleep, skin problems, autoimmune issues…don’t let Standard American Thinking keep you from believing—you can change that! You can change your life.
Hurdles come in all sizes. So many of our hurdles in life are tricks to make us feel trapped. We’re not. Here are some steps that can show you a better way to face that mountain. You CAN get through it, and you may even be able to find a smile.
Valentine’s Day is coming up....
OK; you’ve decided you want to be “healthier”…
Some Days are just not as good as others… Do you agree?
What do we talk about? What happens to us when we have conversations with people? Does it matter if it’s positive or negative? How about our own self-talk? Do these conversations affect our health? Our Mind? Our Stress Level?
Does it feel like the odds are stacked against you?
Lots of times our paths are full of all kinds of Nasty Stuff…”unmentionables”…
Does it feel like the odds are stacked against you?
What does “Happy New Year” mean? Is it like, Hello, for the New Year? I think probably it is.
I heard on the news today that more people DIE from heart attacks between December 25 and January 1, over any other week of the year…
Upon Us!
I think sometimes—maybe most of the time—we want so much for things to be really, really nice (well, perfect maybe), and when we see that NOT happening, we begin to stress. But maybe our “perfect-meter” needs to be adjusted…Relaxed a bit... So we can ENJOY the holidays.
Besides Retirement??
I don’t want to Change your Life…But if you want to Change your Life, I’m here to help you!
We work hard… proud we can work, and keep on working hard…Obstacle after Obstacle, we power-through, and keep going. We Can DO IT!! … … is it a WIN?
Do poor sleep habits feel "normal"? Think maybe you're just "made" for less sleep than others? Or that it's "okay" because you're "getting by"?
I retired from RE/MAX Mena a month ago. And now I’m forgetting about my toes, and I’m diving in!
I’m a Health Coach. I’m a Realtor.
I love coaching. I love helping people realize new things about their health…and that they can actually, truly help themselves toward their goals.
Fair Booth planned; booth work schedule planned; family reunion planned...regular responsibilities planned...
I was having a stressful day... So here is what I did to turn my overwhelm into calm.
Get an e-mail from Sharon once a week about all things calm with a sprinkle of functional medicine and health.
This site offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.
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