Are you Learning New Things?

Sharon J Cole

Do you challenge your brain regularly? Like during every day… like just part of your normal day?


What an Awesome Gift we have, our brains!  And we have the ability to use it!


I’ve seen people so proud to “retire”, so they can rest from their years of their hand to the grindstone.  I agree with the concept…and maybe take a break for a time.  But what a time of opportunity!


To not just stretch our brain, but to stretch our lives!


And the thing is… that time is any time!  If you are busy as a bee, working non-stop, Number 1…Stop That. As soon as you can. 


Sometimes it’s absolutely necessary to get by.  But over the long haul, it will rob you of your health.


Number 2, if you’re at the time when you feel you are the one going high-speed, non-stop, and there’s no way off that wheel, please squeeze in some time to do two things:

1. Dream a little, and

2. Take a bit of time and do something randomly different. (Read something out of your realm, or do some activity that’s out of your ‘norm, or go someplace—just for an hour, or an afternoon—someplace different from what you’re used to).

It’s possible you might just feel a lot better about your life.  You might even learn something about yourself.


If we stop learning, we stop growing…we get stagnant.  Some people get bored with life…I think it’s because they stop looking for new things—to do, to read, new people to get to know.


When you’re out at an event, or a gathering of some kind, and you’re near someone you don’t know…it’s a really, really good idea to talk to them.  You don’t have to say anything Grand, or Perfect.  Just acknowledge them.


You just might find a new friend, or learn something new.  You might find you share an interest with the person, and what an opportunity to be able to enjoy time with someone different, who shares your interests.



I’m taking a cooking class at University of Arkansas Rich Mountain.  Why?  I really don’t know.  I saw a list of classes offered, and I thought I might learn.  I’ve been cooking for a whole lot of years.  But I learned from cookbooks, and I don’t cook that many things that are “different” because I am unsure… I guess that’s the reason.


And sure enough!  In this cooking class, we actually have to cook! And bring our food to class!!  And What a feast we had! All the delicious food, and some were things I had never tasted.  And they were absolutely wonderful.


And my recipe was a baked ham.  Well.  I bake a really good ham.  It’s a family favorite.  Every Easter, and other special times during the year.  But I chose this recipe because I wanted to learn.  And you know what?


The ham was delicious, and I got compliments on it from the other class members!  And I learned how to use fresh pineapple to bake with it (I had always used canned pineapple).  So now I know how to use fresh pineapple, and I learned the trick to getting all the little eyes out easily (that are left after you cut the outer skin off).


I’ve also started hiking.  I totally KNOW God made our bodies to move.  I also know that working in an office all day, every day, puts a big cramp into that exercise.  But as we get older, we realize we should have really made more of an effort to get that movement in. 


So it’s “never too late”, I am hiking!  Small hikes.  Short hikes.  Mostly when the weather is good.  But I am doing it!


And it feels so good! And the beauty in the trees in the mountains! AND… yes, you get to meet the nicest people!  It is truly a blessing to be able to do it.  And of course, my goal is to improve. 


12-mile hike?  Nah…probably not.  But whatever I can do, I will.  And also, I’m sure you probably know…if you are stressed, walking is the best thing to do.  If you are over-stressed, it’s better than any pill you can take.  And your body and mind love it!


I’ve also learned to make sourdough bread this year.  My body doesn’t like gluten, so that means it doesn’t like bread, and when I eat it, I really, really don’t feel very good.  I can get by eating something now and then, but if I eat it 2-3 times close together, my body says, Nope.  Stop it.


Well, with sourdough, it spends so much time slow-rising, it does something scientific with the dough, and it is easier to digest, and actually it’s not bothering me.  But I’m trying very much not to overdo it.  I feel very privileged and blessed to be able to have “some” bread.


Anyway, the process of learning to make the sourdough bread has been quite a lot of trial and error.  But I’m learning, and I intend to be proficient at it.


I’m also going to camp with the kids this year.  They usually camp at a lake not too far from here, and I’ve missed out the last few years.  I’ve already rented a camper, and will be able to go and enjoy time with them at the lake.


This will be a first for me.



Whatever stage of life you are in, determine to enjoy learning new things! 


Your life will change.  Your life will be “more full”.  Your brain and your life will be expanded.  You will have more options of what you can enjoy.  And I believe you will enjoy your life more.


When we enjoy our lives, we have less time (and less thoughts) to fill our lives with negativity and worry.  Being active does GOOD for you.


Our mind is involved, and doesn’t reflect as much on the negative, so our hearts and minds are happier and more relaxed.


As we’re more relaxed, we actually feel more like enjoying our life.


Try something new.  See what new and exciting things can come across your path as you look for something out of your normal routines.


Frustration and Anger and Fear seem to take up a lot of space in our world today.  Did you know you can ease those feelings when you reach for new things? 

And especially if you set your mind to learning new things, because then you can discover mysteries you’d never have known.  And believe it or not, you life will never be the same!


For more calm, and more enjoyment in your life, open up your imagination and see what you can add to your life.


When your mind says, you don’t have time, let your heart overrule those thoughts!  You truly will be glad you did!


By the way, we had a great class this past Saturday about food and how we can eat, and enjoy it.  We shared some recipes, and just had a good time. 


Come join us next time, or request the recording of our class. 


If you need help in any way at all, I’d like to help you.


Thank you for reading.



Meet Sharon

Sharon is the founder of Where is Your Calm, and is dedicated to the wellness of every client she has. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy in 2019 and has been doing group coaching and individual coaching since then.

Sharon is a caring haven for people of all ages to address their overwhelm and overwork, helping them to improve their life with small changes in their lifestyle and nutrition habits. She regularly attends classes and training to keep up with the most innovative practices to address her clients' needs.  

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