
Sharon J Cole

We hear a lot about “Inflammation”.


What is it, anyway?


What are the symptoms?


And What causes it?


And What can we do about it??


(Most of the information for this article come from Dr. Jockers’ website (, Dr. Mark Hyman (, as well as from the Institute of Functional Medicine, (  Some pictures come from Dr. Jockers’ site.



Inflammation is actually one of our body’s defense mechanisms.  Our immune system recognizes harmful invaders (life bacteria and viruses), and removes them to start the healing process, through inflammation.


Acute Inflammation:

In the case of a sprained ankle or swollen tonsils as with strep throat, it can cause pain and/or bruising, redness, heat and/or swelling. 

The pain and swelling, etc. tell us that spot needs for us to quit using it so much, and give it some time to heal, and to protect it from more injury. 

It starts quickly and becomes extreme in a short amount of time.  The symptoms are usually short-lived.


Then there is something called

Chronic Inflammation, when your immune system shifts out of balance and inflammation runs rampant, causing a chronic, smoldering fire inside your body that contributes to disease and weight gain, and can last from several months to years. 


This Chronic Inflammation is where our problems are.


This Chronic Inflammation is sometimes referred to as Invisible Inflammation because it doesn’t have physical symptoms like acute inflammation does.


The causes can vary widely, but they can sometimes be caused by:

1.     autoimmune illness,

2.     exposure to toxins,

3.     untreated acute inflammation and also to

4.     lifestyle factors, such as stress habits, sleep habits, eating, etc.


There can be triggers associated with Chronic Inflammatory diseases, which affect different parts of our body:

1.     Digestive system

2.     Joints

3.     Skin

4.     Respiratory System

5.     Other bodily organs


Some of the most common diseases caused by Chronic Inflammation are

1.     Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases

2.     Cancer

3.     Heart Disease

4.     Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease

5.     Asthma

6.     Rheumatoid Arthritis

7.     Type 2 Diabetes

8.     IBS

9.     Premature Aging

10. Other Gastrointestinal Issues




Now, I think we’re down to What to do about it.


1.     Exercise has a profound effect on Chronic Inflammation.  Even 20 minutes a day of moderate intensity exercise can help reduce inflammation.

a.      Begin your day with stretches or some yoga moves

b.     Take a short walk outside; in the morning sun is even better

c.      During the day stay active: get up and stretch, go for a walk

d.     Exercise 3-5 days a week for 20-30 minutes

e.      Do the movement that you can enjoy.

f.       Add some weights

g.     Don’t overdo it.

2.     Sleep: Getting enough quality hours of sleep is a game changer when it comes to reducing inflammation.  Restricted sleep:

a.      doesn’t allow blood pressure to decline as it should

b.     which triggers cells in blood vessel walls to activate inflammation

c.      hinders the body’s ability to repair itself (including our brain), which leads to prolonged inflammation and deterioration.

3.     Food: Eat foods high in antioxidants:

a.      Berries, cherries, plums, red grapes,

b.     Onions,

c.      Turmeric,

d.     Green tea,

e.      Dark-green leafy vegetables,

f.       Nuts and seeds,

g.     Grass-fed or free-range or wild-caught meat (avoid all processed meat)

h.     Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates

i.       Drink plenty of clean water; avoid fruit juices, soda, sports drinks

j.       Avoid refined carbohydrates such as flour, cereals, pasta

k.     Use olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil; avoid the wrong oils and fats

l.       Avoid Food with chemicals, artificial flavors and dye added.

4.     Stress Management/Relaxation Techniques.

a.      This is a top contributing factor to chronic inflammation.

b.     It also contributes to atherosclerosis, fatty liver, depression.

c.      It can be physical, psychological or emotional stress.

d.     You absolutely need Rest, Quiet Time, Reflection Time.

e.      Exercise works better than a pill for anxiety.

5.     Toxins:

a.      Air pollution

b.     Water pollution

c.      Tap water pollutants

d.     Plastic packaging

e.      Pesticides & Herbicides

f.       Artificial ingredients in food

g.     Chemicals in conventional household and body products

6.     Supplements.  You may need supplements, and there are guidelines, but be wary of box store varieties.  Most have additives and filler, and will be hard for your body to absorb the “good stuff”.  A functional medicine doctor can help you get things right in this area.

a.      Vitamin D is a very important nutrient essential for your muscles, bones, teeth, brain and immune system.  A deficiency has been found to contribute to low-grade inflammation.  Vitamin D can improve this, especially in older adults.

b.     Vitamin B6 may help improve inflammation in those with rheumatoid arthritis.

c.      Omega-3s found in fish, seafood, algae, hemp seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds are healthy fats and known to have anti-inflammatory benefits. They can help enhance recovery from health issues.

d.     Zinc is a mineral that’s incredibly important for your immune system.  Zinc deficiency is quite common in the elderly.

e.      (there are definitely other supplements, personalized to you, that help improve inflammation) a Functional Medicine doctor can be of great assistance here.


That’s the nutshell version.




How did we get this way??


Our diet, the way we live, and medications are the main culprits.  These things over time, injure our gut.


They change the bacteria and damage the gut’s lining (which is the critical barrier that keeps our immune system from having to deal with all the garbage, toxins and allergens inside our intestinal tract).  The damage is called “Leaky Gut”.


The food particles “leak” across the damaged barrier (where they should not be able to go); then our immune system (60% of which is right under that lining) starts to attack these partially digested food particles.  That’s the beginning of developing food intolerance, or allergies.


When our gut is “leaky”, partially digested foods get exposed to our immune system (where they should not be), then this creates an abnormal response to something pretty normalfoodThis creates many, many chronic health problems.




Treating food “allergies” and improving nutrition in general is the single most powerful tool we have, to treat, reverse, and even cure hundreds of diseases where conventional medicine typically fails.


Nearly every modern disease, everything from autoimmune diseases, heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes and dementia, is caused by Inflammation.


Everyone is different, however, there are some foods that irritate the immune system more than others.  They are:

          Gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt)

          Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)




          Nightshades (tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplant)





 You can find out, on your own, what foods you are sensitive to.  It’s a simple and well-accepted treatment called The Elimination Diet.

1.     You get rid of the top trouble foods for up to 4 weeks

2.     Then introduce them one at a time and see what happens.

Some results that people have right away are:

1.     Feeling better

2.     Losing weight

3.     Getting rid of chronic symptoms.

A simple Elimination Diet is getting rid of:

1.     Gluten

2.     Dairy

3.     Eggs

4.     Yeast Products

It’s a great time to introduce new and colorful foods.  I learned I liked real food, and the more color, and variety you eat, the better your body likes it.


This process is mostly ignored by conventional medicine, but it plays a huge role in many chronic illnesses and weight problems.





A Side Subject:

Do you believe that when a person gets to a certain (advanced) age, they automatically have “age-related” symptoms?


These might include physical imbalance, forgetfulness or dementia, loss of strength, immobility, bone loss, muscle loss, brain fog, muscle and joint pains, chronic pain, etc.  These are actually caused by low-grade inflammation which can develop as we age.


You do not have to accept these symptoms as an unavoidable consequence of aging.  You can live a vibrant and healthy life at any age.  You can slow this process with proper nutrition and lifestyle strategies.


If you have this concern, a Functional Medicine Doctor can help you.  If you have trouble finding one, Email me, I can help you.




These facts and studies in this article are only the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in your body if you have inflammation.


These suggestions for improvement in your health are also only the tip of the iceberg of what is available to improve your health.


If you are having health problems, your body is trying to tell you it needs help.  I can help you find a good doctor, and if you are ready to make changes in your health, I can help you make the changes.


I hope you have found this article helpful.


Thank you for reading.



Meet Sharon

Sharon is the founder of Where is Your Calm, and is dedicated to the wellness of every client she has. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy in 2019 and has been doing group coaching and individual coaching since then.

Sharon is a caring haven for people of all ages to address their overwhelm and overwork, helping them to improve their life with small changes in their lifestyle and nutrition habits. She regularly attends classes and training to keep up with the most innovative practices to address her clients' needs.  

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