Why Can't We See?

Sharon J Cole

Why can’t we see??


We feel bad…

Our blood pressure is a little high…

We’re “borderline” diabetic…

We continually have digestion problems…

Our skin is dry and prone to rashes…

We have no energy…

We don’t sleep well and feel tired in the morning…

We have afternoon “crashes”…

We miss appointments, forget what we’re doing…




Do you know…these things are not normal???


All the good doctors, and all the good medicine in the world will not make these things disappear!


We don’t have a (shortage) of any kind of medicine.  Medicine can make the symptoms go away.  But what about…what’s causing it?! 


If you make the symptoms go away, but make no change in the cause, it will just pop up as a symptom somewhere else in your body.


Our body parts work together.  Physician Specialists are good.  But if they look at only that one area of your body, they’re probably missing the cause.  And if they’re missing the cause, how can they treat the cause, so they can actually make you well?



Would you like to be WELL?

Would you like to feel good, instead of bad…

Would you like for your blood pressure to be normal so you wouldn’t have to worry about it, and take medicine for it…

Would you like for your blood sugar to be GREAT, instead of borderline…

Would you like to be able to eat, and not have digestive issues…


Would you like to have good energy

Would you like to sleep well and feel rested in the morning…

Would you like to be able to work through the day and not be exhausted before the day is done…

Would you like for your mind to work better, and be able to remember better…

          and your conversations with friends can be about Life instead of illness.




Do you REALIZE… You can have this life??


Well.  You can.  There is a price. 


So it involves a Decision.  That’s the hardest part of the price.  Deciding to pay it.




It is fundamental knowledge, you just can’t function as well if you are tired.


Poor sleep usually leads to getting less things accomplished, having less energy, feeling tired, and your performance can be on the same level as a person registering the alcohol level of a drunk. 


Some things that can affect your sleep in a big way are:

Physical stress

Psychological stress

Junk food


Toxic lifestyle

Too much screen time

Hormone levels


Environmental influences

“Stuff in your mind”  (Solution: Journal your thoughts)


All of these can increase inflammation, including brain inflammation and also cortisol.


What other things affect our sleep?


Over-work during the day (either physical or mental/emotional) makes you exhausted and ready to “fall into bed” and fall asleep, but your body is still in a stressed state, and your sleep will suffer.


Also, even though eating sugar is pleasurable, it is a stress to your body, raising your cortisol and adrenaline levels—and it is a hindrance to your sleep.


There are two other main things that can also interrupt your sleep:

1.     Blood sugar imbalances

2.     Chronic stress




So you intend to work toward making changes to improve your sleep?


Are there “helps” that can support your changes?  Dr. Hyman recommends trying:

1.     Magnesium (known as the relaxation mineral); magnesium glycinate.  He recommends it to help relax your nervous system and muscles.

2.     Melatonin can help re-set your circadian rhythm.

3.     Ashwagunda is a cortisol manager, can improve sleep quality and help you get in rhythm.

And in adding these supports, be sure to cut back on these:

4.     Caffeine: stop after breakfast

5.     Alcohol: stop or cut down.



What causes disease?

          It’s usually inflammation in our bodies.


What causes inflammation?

          Soooo Many things.

          Stress can even cause inflammation.  But so many things can help us control our stress. 

Good food can help it.  (Doing without the junk food also helps our body to be stronger, and fights the inflammation.  The good food also helps us sleep better…and helps our skin to be healthier.)

Meditation does wonders for stress.

Exercise also does wonders for stress.

Taking breaks during the day gives your psyche a chance to regroup, and does great things for your stress.   Give yourself breaks.

(If you can break the “stress” cycle, you’re well on your way to winning the fight with inflammation and feeling the results of better health.)


Rest can help inflammation.  We go ‘way too fast.  We don’t take any time in between…just going from one thing to do, to the next, and feeling pressured and late the whole time.  I know.  Don’t do it.  Stop it. 


Toxins cause inflammation.


Food causes inflammation.  Well, not really.  Good quality food calms and cools inflammation—helps it go away.  But most of what our diets consist of today is actually lots of ingredients, chemicals, additives (including flavors), and poisonous dyes, disguised as food. 


And our human body doesn’t know how to handle them.  This is a greater problem here in the US than it is in most other parts of the world.  Several countries do not allow GMO’s, nor other modified food.  They don’t allow the toxins we add to our food in the field (to keep the bugs and the weeds away).


(Kellog’s actually makes cereals without the additives for Canada where these additives are not allowed.  Those cereals are actually made in the USA but the cereals sold in the USA include all the junk additives.)


Our bodies were made to withstand lots of hard things.  But over time, it knows these things aren’t natural—can not figure out how to use them—and our bodies say…it’s enough.




If you would like to improve your sleep, try these tips:

1.     Focus on getting a good night’s rest—truly FOCUS on it, during your day.

2.     Slow down, rest a bit during the day.

3.     Get more sunlight, especially in the morning.

4.     Practice grounding

5.     Drink more water, with a pinch of salt.

6.     Eat slowly, and slowly chew your food.

7.     Have a good stress management practice

8.     Sit for a short bit of time with your hunger.

9.     Eat regular, nutritious meals (not perfect meals, just focus on better ones)

10. Meditate daily, or practice being still and focus on just “Breathing”.

11. Journal your thoughts daily, especially your stressful ones.

12. Have a Thankful state of mind.



While your health is letting you “get by”, take a minute to think about your REAL health.  What is going on inside that body of yours while you’re running helter-skelter in every direction.  And eating the Standard American Diet…


If you don’t make any changes at all…

Your body will give out from running on continual high-speed, with low-quality fuel. 


You may be beginning to feel the effects now.


You’ll feel tired a lot;

then have a little something wrong in your body;

then another something—totally unrelated (to be sure). 

You think all is well… if you can just get this next thing taken care of.

You take ibuprofen or something similar (again, not often, to be sure), or Pepcid or Tagamet…

…oh… and your blood pressure was up at your last visit to the doctor, so they prescribed a very low-dose medicine (usually taken for the remainder of your life);

and…your joints have been bothering you…but you guess you’re just “getting to that age…”


Do you realize those things are not your age?


They are from how you run your life

What you eat.

How you rest.

Your peace of mind (or lack of peace). 

How much exercise your body gets.

How much uninterrupted stress you’re under, continually.


It all works together.  Nothing separates it. 


If you have joint pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, memory issues—it is from how you have been taking care of your body.  Our bodies (and our minds) need our care.



Do you really want good health, energy, clear thinking?


It takes a decision.


What about if you say, “I’m doing better with my eating and drinking, and exercise… most of the time…


I say GREAT!!  So, you’re not perfect!  That’s GREAT progress toward your health.  And hopefully you’ve seen the good it can do.




I suggest that you make your decision of what you will change, and set your goals for it.  Then pay attention to your body to be able to tell the differences you are able to see.


You may not see a major difference immediately, especially if you’re doing it only part of the time.  But you will be able to tell the difference in your body.  And your life.


Don’t wait until things start attacking your body.  Start now, and enjoy your health!  You’ll be so thankful you did.


Farrell has said to me that he felt like God let me have my health problems just so we could learn what we had been doing, and learn how to make changes that actually make us healthier.  He said he felt like God used that to save our lives.  I agree.




Is it EASY?  No.  It’s hard to quit eating the food you love, especially with people eating it all around you.


Why is it like that?  Why do we have to suffer in order to be healthy.  Has it always been that way?  WHAT HAS CHANGED???


The food industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, and other money-making sources control mostly all the advertising we see; and then there’s the medical industry.  It’s Big Business for us to eat the over-processed food, and for us to be sick.


But to think.  You can be in control.  You really can.


If you change your eating from the Standard American Diet to eating good, wholesome, nutritious food, drinking good clean water, and getting exercise and good sleep, you will be in control of your health, your energy, and your life


It’s not totally simple.  There are trip-ups everywhere.  But you CAN prepare for them so you can win those battles, and be healthier.  You CAN feel good.


If you want to change, contact me.  I can help you make the change—with your own goals, as we figure out your path together.  Little bitty changes make huge differences when they’re done consistently.  I can help you figure out your path.


And I am offering a Coaching Special from now through the month of May


          Sign up for a 30-minute coaching session with me (Free) to see if your life would benefit from a 4-week coaching commitment, putting you on the path of getting your life back.

Cost:  $150 for the 4 one-hour sessions.  (Normal cost-$300).

Your initial 30-minute coaching session would be free, regardless, and would also give you tips on going forward.


Can we do this? SIGN UP HERE!


Thank you for reading.


Blessings for your Health…




Meet Sharon

Sharon is the founder of Where is Your Calm, and is dedicated to the wellness of every client she has. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy in 2019 and has been doing group coaching and individual coaching since then.

Sharon is a caring haven for people of all ages to address their overwhelm and overwork, helping them to improve their life with small changes in their lifestyle and nutrition habits. She regularly attends classes and training to keep up with the most innovative practices to address her clients' needs.  

If you are not on her mailing list to receive her weekly email about all things Functional Medicine and Health, Sign Up Below. And Thank You for Reading!