How Much Can We Do?

Sharon J Cole

How much can we do?

How much can we leave undone and be ok with it?


How “perfect” can we be?


Where do we “draw the line” on what we can do?


Last Thursday, I felt like I was semi-in-control of my life, so Friday relaxed and went with my husband to his weekly trek into Oklahoma to the cattle auction.  It was a good day.


My daughter from out of town would be coming over the weekend, so I needed to actually clean house a little, and prepare for what we’d eat while she was here.  She’s “easy” to prepare for; her family is open to enjoy whatever I make to eat, and it’s just a relaxing time.


Somehow Saturday got away from me.  I can’t even remember what I got accomplished, except deciding to re-arrange furniture in the living room, which caused moving a bookshelf from the bedroom to the living room, and other miscellaneous projects.


But I do know, I did not get my ironing board (full of clothes draped on it) put away, and did not get my clothes folded. 


I did not get my floors vacuumed. 


I did not get my Sunday School lesson properly studied for the next morning! 


Plus a ton of other little things I didn’t get done.


Oh, well.  It’ll be ok.  I did get my groceries, etc. bought up before the rush of the eclipse, with lots of out-of-towner’s coming in.


God blessed my work on my Sunday School lesson, and it was a great class on Sunday.


We got to enjoy both daughters and families for dinner.  I got to enjoy sitting up talking until late in the night.


The eclipse happened, and we got to enjoy it from our deck, while eating grilled steaks and listening to Farrell’s music, on the most beautiful day ever!


The ironing board (of clothes) never got put away. I just put it in the closet.  The last basket of clothes never got put away.  The floor never got vacuumed.  But no one cared.


In the week before this all happened, we had had company for dinner twice and had spent time working in the garden.

After everyone was gone home, and after the kitchen was cleaned, the clothes finally put away, and the clothes on the ironing board finally hung up, I realized how tired I was.


I’ve had extra appointments and extra classes this week, plus an after-church meeting Wednesday night.  There has been no room for rest.



I know there are times in all of our lives that there just isn’t time or energy to do what needs to be done.


When this happens, almost always, we take any self-care time out of any routine we might have left.   This of course, makes us more frazzled.


Then, in my case, it brings on the cravings for food I shouldn’t eat!  So, yes, I ate the food.


I haven’t slept restfully, and my nights have been short.


I haven’t taken my walks, and only exercised in short bits.


I caused myself extra stress by taking my time away from things I needed to do (to make my life simpler to enjoy) to changing furniture around, plus other things that project caused.



 Well, we’ll never be perfect.  And that’s totally OK!


But now it’s up to me to get myself back into some semblance of peace and order.


And that’s what I’m doing today.  Resting.  Not pushing myself.  Going with the flow of how my day unfolds. 

Drinking less coffee—none in the afternoons! 

Getting outside a little bit.

Getting a relaxing walk in. 

Keeping water with me all day, whatever I’m doing.

Putting my phone down around 7 p.m.


I think I can do all that today.  I think I can take today to just do what fits into my day.  And if it doesn’t work smoothly doing that, it’s going to be OK!


We are our own first priority.  We just have to be.  How can we live our life if that’s not so?


If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t have ourselves to take care of!


We can’t just “take the day off” any time we want to usually.  But we can re-arrange our day to put ourselves first.  And sometimes we just need to do that.  (Our life…and our peace…truly depends on it.)


Check in with yourself, and see what you need to keep on track with your life, so that you can have some peaceful, enjoyable time to live.  If you can’t do this, you’re going in the wrong direction.  Hopefully you can get yourself turned around.


Remember…For REAL…Your Life—and your Peace—Truly does depend on it.


And when you get off-track, don’t stay there…Just slowly, calmly, turn around and take one step back in the direction you want to go.


Be patient with yourself, and add a prayer to your efforts.


Thank you for reading, and


If I can help you, in any way, let me know.

And a couple of other things to remember…

1. We ARE imperfect, our whole life. AND

2. We’re made to be strong, and struggle.

3. (We can do this!)




Meet Sharon

Sharon is the founder of Where is Your Calm, and is dedicated to the wellness of every client she has. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy in 2019 and has been doing group coaching and individual coaching since then.

Sharon is a caring haven for people of all ages to address their overwhelm and overwork, helping them to improve their life with small changes in their lifestyle and nutrition habits. She regularly attends classes and training to keep up with the most innovative practices to address her clients' needs.  

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