
Where's My Energy?

Sharon J Cole

Where’s my Energy?


What’s happening!! I’m too young to be “old”!


Where does our energy come from?  And Where does it go?!


The simple answer is, our energy comes from our mitochondria.


So, What feeds our mitochondria?


Why are there people in some parts of the world that live to be over 100 in good health, mentally and physically?



Did you know…

          there are the tiniest of tiny powerhouses in our cells that fuel our entire body, including our heart.  Those tiny powerhouses are our mitochondria.  They make our fuel from oxygen and the food we consume.


These mitochondria are very sensitive and very easily damaged.


As I’ve said a lot of times before…I am not against conventional medicine.  But I favor health over medicine, and conventional medicine seems to lean on overlooking what health can do to heal our ailments, and seems to ignore the possibility of strengthening our immune system so our bodies can brush off illnesses that try to attack us.


Our heart muscles have more mitochondria than any other organ in our body: 5,000 to 10,000 mitochondria per cell, in fact.  Wonder Why?  Maybe because our heart muscle cells have the high-demand job of continuously pumping day-in and day-out over our entire lifetime.  They never, ever get a break.


Most mental health issues are caused from an inflamed brain.  Our brain also has thousands of mitochondria per cell—that need our protection.


So it seems like, if we want to keep our energy, and live a long life in good health—mentally and physically, we need to protect our mitochondria.  Does that sound reasonable?


Does it sound like the most sensible thing, EVER, to do?


Conventional medicine just doesn’t always get it right.

Cholesterol isn’t the real villain when it comes to heart attacks and strokes.

(Butter isn’t the villain, either, and eggs aren’t the enemy.  And good quality meat isn’t the culprit.)



Inflammation is good—when you cut your finger…

But chronic inflammation continually attacks your mitochondria.



In addition to fueling our body, our mitochondria break down waste from our cells, and uses that for fuel.  But if our mitochondria are over-stressed and overworked, the “waste” builds up and your mitochondria weaken.  At that point, your body won’t be able to handle even small everyday exposure to toxins or other insults.


To keep our arteries strong, and clear of plaque, we need to reduce that body-wide inflammation.  (Without inflammation, cholesterol can’t accumulate in your arteries.)


(Inflammation can cause: aging before our time, pain, stiffness, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and virtually all chronic conditions.)


So, what seems to cause this culprit, inflammation?


Lots of things insult our mitochondria.  All sorts of things.  Here are some:



Did I suggest eating organic food whenever possible?

Have you heard, “sweat is good for you”?  You can actually sweat out chemicals from your body.  Exercise is good, or a sauna, to detoxify naturally.



(could be from water-damage, etc.)

This is definitely a culprit in attacking your mitochondria. 



Yard and garden sprays, personal care products, plastic bottles and food containers, water in plastic bottles, household cleaning products, possibly new carpet or new furniture…



Foods that most often contain them:

Gluten, yeast, wheat, corn, grain (not rice), peanuts, grain-fed meat & dairy, etc.

Eat more colorful organic vegetables, wild-caught or grass-fed meat, etc.  These actually bind to the mycotoxins, helping to remove them from your body.



Who would have thought that overeating could cause inflammation in your mitochondria?

Most overeating happens when eating sugary carbs.

Overeating these actually causes you to get LPS’s (lipopolysaccharides).  LPS is a compound made up of fats and sugar that is normally protective.  However when LPSs release into the bloodstream, they become a toxin that causes inflammation. They are linked to everything from Parkinson’s Disease to autism.

Solution: Eat plenty of fibrous vegetables instead of sugary carbs.


Our way of eating:

If you eat “junk” inflammatory foods, the fuel it makes for your body will also be faulty.  And you won’t be able to operate at your best!  Similar to an example of putting junk in your car’s fuel tank…your car just won’t operate as it should.

Eating overly-processed food, unhealthy or rancid vegetable oil, or rancid nuts.  Eating grain-fed meat.

Just don’t eat processed food, especially sugar and simple carbohydrates except for rare treats. Don’t eat seed oils or regular vegetable oils (use coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil).  Eat whole, real, colorful food, full of nutrients.

Eat Omega 3 fats (fish, etc.)

Dr. Mark Hyman says “If you want to AGE FAST, eat gluten and sugar.”  He says they cause:


Belly Fat

Disrupt gut bacteria

Feed cancer cells

Cause metabolic dysfunction, SO…to



Smoking, Sunburn.


Lack of Exercise.……..

Strength training will help your muscles to build your mitochondria.  This is an absolute “Must” for healthy aging.  If you’re “too tired”, it’s not your age that gives you that feeling; it's that you’re not moving.  Figure out a way to make it Fun!



Have your hormones checked to make sure they are in balance.  (This will probably be done more efficiently (and effectively) by a functional medicine practitioner, or someone very knowledgeable).  If your hormones are in balance, your whole body will work better, and you will have more energy.

          Dr. Mark Hyman says that 67% of patients that come in to his clinic have hormone levels that are low, including thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones.

Our hormone levels help us KEEP our Health, KEEP us Calm; they control muscle tone, mood, and everything relating to the systems in our body.

If our hormones are messed up, everything else tends to get messed up too.


Chronic Daily Stress.




The News.


Continual “rushing”, day after day.


Lack of REST, and Lack of SLEEP (different things entirely)



So what causes us to get “tired” and just poop out as we age?  It is because of insult and injury to our mighty mitochondria.  It gets weak, and breaks down, and stops producing our energy as well.


Damaged mitochondria causes uncontrolled oxidative stress (consider it to be like rusting of pipes). 


It causes premature wrinkles, too!


Only 12% of the American adult population is metabolically healthy.

About 9 in every 10 adults has chronic inflammation.


From this point of view, you might see why so many people are tired, and feel bad.  Inflammation is truly attacking our civilization.


But if you want to change the outcome of the rest of your life… You Can.  You Truly Can.


I’ve given you several possible changes you can make in your life.  Over 90% of all diseases are caused by our modern way of living, and by the food we put into our bodies.  It doesn’t have to be that outcome.


The hardest part is this:  Making the Decision to Live Differently.




So, just to push things a little further, what would you want to do with that good energy and health if you had it?


Anything special?


Would you have a “Special Purpose” if you had the time and energy…If you knew you were going to be healthy and energetic as you get older?


Did you know that if someone feels “a Purpose” or “a Vision” for their life, they are more likely to be healthier and live longer (and happier)?

          Do you have a “community” of your people?  If not, your life would probably feel better if you built for yourself, your own community of your people.  Make new friends.  Renew old friendships.  Communicate with people around you.  I think you’ll be surprised at the results.


          Plan what you want in your life.


          ReDefine your “Golden Years”… now.


          Then find where your Joy is, and go in that direction.


Getting older does NOT have to be “getting sick, and slow”.


We can’t reverse our actual age, but we CAN reverse our Biological age.  Our biological age is measured by how well our bodily systems work.


Let’s determine to THRIVE… not just Survive…


Is it easy to totally change our lives from feeling bad, to feeling good?


It’s not easy.  But it’s SO worth it!


You have the POWER to Change your Life.

And EVERY Step Forward can Add Time to your Life.


You don’t have to do everything

But what you DO, will make a difference!



Let’s Get our Energy Back… Let’s Get “Younger”…


And Determine to Enjoy your Journey!


My hope is that you will have fun, and enjoy your life…AND FEEL GOOD!


If I can help you in any way along your journey, I am ready to help you in any way you need.


Thank you for reading!



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This site offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.  

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