
Symptoms VS Causes

Sharon J Cole

Do you realize…

We don’t have to be so sick?


There ARE exceptions, when we have no control.  But for the most part, we don’t have to be so sick! 


We don’t have to “catch” every bug that comes close to us.


Cancer doesn’t have to be so prevalent…not does heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or dementia.


It’s a shift in our thinking.  A huge shift.


We’ve been conditioned to believe things that just aren’t exactly the way they seem.


You CAN change your health. 


YOU can change your health.

People are experiencing changes back to good health— some with only lifestyle and food changes; some with lifestyle changes along with pharmaceuticals.


If you have chronic health problems, or problems with your health at all, low energy, lack of sleep, skin problems, autoimmune issues…don’t let Standard American Thinking keep you from believing—you can change that!  You can change your life.


We’ve been programmed our whole lives to believe diabetes can not be reversed.  And that high blood pressure needs medicine to become normal again.  And that there’s no real cure for psoriasis; no cure for autoimmune diseases…and on, and on…


…to believe that these diseases and illnesses and conditions must be treated with prescription drugs.



1.       Our bodies were not actually made to digest drugs—I know they are necessary at times, and they help us with our symptoms… but …

2.       Drugs can be necessary sometimes—and I’m very thankful for them and the doctors and researchers who searched out and invented them.  They have truly saved lives.  But they can also be bad for us—and cause bad things to happen in our bodies.

3.       Symptoms may be the same as the next person…but that doesn’t mean it’s the same condition causing those symptoms.  And the medical treatment protocol would be the same if the symptoms were the same.   Even though they had a different cause.  So the cause would not being treated—only the symptoms.

4.       The causes of most modern-day diseases that cripple the hearts, minds and bodies of Americans are in our diets and lifestyles.  But most Americans are programmed, or taught (from very well-meaning adults) from childhood to believe that medicine is the “cure”.

5.       Medicine has the power to make the symptoms better.  But it almost never “cures”.  Let’s go for the cure…

6.       Lifestyle change can be hard, but if we realize the “truths” we learned from childhood are not actually correct, and that we actually CAN take control of our health, the change is in looking forward to wellness instead of looking toward to what illness will “come upon us” next, and how many medicines we will be taking.  If you allow yourself to think like that, it changes our whole mindset.  And life gets a whole lot easier.  And you feel good.

7.       Doctors are wonderful.  They are vitally needed.  And many traditional doctors in today’s world are realizing that there can be better ways to treat patients, diseases and illnesses, than with prescriptions and surgery.

So… Functional Medicine treats the Cause, instead of the Symptoms.


Functional Medicine has a goal of searching out the cause, and works with your history, your symptoms, your lifestyle, your eating habits, and your stress level…to find that cause.  And people are getting well…without more pharmaceuticals.


Have you been plagued with symptoms and can’t find out how to get better?  There is hope for you.


Everyone is different.  What causes your headache (or skin rash, or backache, or lack of sleep, etc) can be totally different from what causes the next person’s problem, yet they appear to be the exact same.


There are some pretty basic things that are good for everyone, but to alleviate a problem, the treatment should be personalized to you, and your specific life, and body.  That’s what Functional Medicine Physicians do.

You can learn all the finer details, including finding Functional Medicine Practitioners at the website. www.ifm.org

An example of this personalized treatment would be, if you take blood pressure medicine to make your blood pressure come into line with the recommended range, the medicine would probably do what it was made to do: bring your blood pressure numbers into the normal range.

          But what if you actually found the cause of the elevated blood pressure—and removed the cause!  Do you believe your blood pressure would come back into its normal range?  Well, Yes.  That’s what happens.  Sometimes it may be fairly easy; sometimes not as easy—just like when you use blood pressure medicine.


Let me clarify.  I am in no way recommending that you not take your prescribed medication.  What I would recommend is talking with your doctor and asking if he or she is aware that this change is possible with basic changes in diet and lifestyle.  If your doctor does not know that it is possible, I would recommend finding a Functional Medicine Physician, or the equivalent, and work with that physician to help you reach your health goals.

          Functional Medicine practitioners have the ability to prescribe the exact same medication as a general practitioner or traditional doctor, and they do prescribe them when necessary.  But they often use natural remedies and therapies, and almost always use lifestyle and nutrition changes.  Their main focus is on eliminating the cause of the issue, and many times the symptoms disappear without the prescription.


Functional Medicine Health Coaches help with the changes you would like to make in your life—either working with your doctor, or working directly with you based on your goals for your health and your life.

Here are some of the basic issues that a Functional Medicine Health Coach may help you with, working with whatever goals you may have for your life:


1.       Good quality sleep.  Our body heals and regenerates while we sleep.  It’s something that’s necessary in order to heal.  And if you’re not having success with this, a Functional Medicine Health Coach will work with you to determine the underlying reason, and together come up with a plan as to what changes you would want to make, so you can choose some small tweaks to make to your habits to bring yourself better sleep.


2.       Stress Relief.  So many people are overburdened with stress, it has changed our lives, worldwide.  Surveys show that over 75% of trips to doctors have their origin in their patients being over-stressed.  But there truly are small, simple changes you can make in your lifestyle and habits that can actually relieve stress and help you feel more at ease, and calm.


3.       Nutrition.  Without good nutrition, our bodies and minds can’t reach its intended potential—feeling good, and having energy!  Most statistics show that today 80% of our American population does not get proper nutrition.  It’s known as the “Standard American Diet”.                  There are so many thoughts that come to mind on the subject of nutrition.  But the best basic guide for this condensed space would be:

          The best nutrition comes from real food, organic when possible.  And from grass-fed meat, or wild-caught or free-range.


4.       Movement.  Or more plainly, Exercise.  You know, our bodies were made to move.  They weren’t made to sit still continually.

          When we so much as walk for 15-30 minutes a day, it does so many good things for us.  It lubricates our joints, it fills our lungs with oxygen which filters all through our bodies; it makes us stronger; it strengthens our bones.  It takes away anxiety better than pills; it helps us sleep; it makes us just plain feel better.  And if it’s a walk outside, the benefits are magnified—just helps lift our soul.  But as with all these lifestyle shifts, it must be consistent for the best benefits to show up.


5.       Good Relationships also increase our well-being and our health.  If you don’t have a friend, reach outside your comfort zone and make one. Pets can even lift our spirits and help us have a sense of calm.  It’s so good for us to interact with people.  It’s like, that’s what we were meant for.


You can change your life, and add years to your life.


If you need a doctor, you can find one.  And if you have trouble finding one, I can help you. 


If you need help getting healthy, I can help you.  I can help you with tools and resources for making lasting change, and I can give you guidance and support.  ALWAYS going by your goals, and by the path you choose to travel for your changes.


You can improve your overall health and wellbeing. 


In the meantime, please let me know if you need any help at all.  Phone, email, or Messenger.


Thank you for reading.  Good Health to you!



If you would like to schedule a one-on-one session with me, just email me and let me know.  I respond to email or Messenger; I’m here and I want to help you.  Let’s create some health together.



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This site offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.  

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