
What are we so "Stressed About"!

Sharon J Cole

Do you feel overwhelmed?


Where does that come from?


Sometimes we need to honestly and boldly look that overwhelm straight in the eye, and make decisions we need to make.


That’s what I teach you to do.

So, that’s what I’m doing.


Through November and December, I have taken time off, and have changed up my schedule and my life in different ways, to have more “space” in my life.


Today, I cancelled an extra course I’ve been taking, and this will give me more calm in my life.

My in-person one-on-one coaching has increased a little, which I like; and I’m continuing my in-person group coaching (which I love).  I have a Group Coaching Class coming up on Saturday, January 18, which I will be sending more information about.


As for my weekly newsletter, I’m taking a break for a few weeks. 


I look forward to getting back to you, but am taking a little vacation, which includes less screen time.

I’ll be sending notes to you randomly, just not regularly each week.


As Always, Thank you for reading, and I hope you stick with me through this time off.


I do welcome your communication, and I will get back with you.


Thank you again for your support and your care.



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