
Hurry, Hurry

Sharon J Cole

Do you like living in this state?


”I can’t be still!  I’ve always been that way!”

”I’ve got to be doing something!”

”I don’t have time…”


Are those statements really true?  Do you believe they say the truth?

Do you like saying things like that… making excuses for why you can’t sit still and enjoy the moment?

Do you like saying you don’t have time?  Do you really have less time than other people you know?  Do you really have more to do than they do?



It’s true that there’s no simple magic bullet that will ”fix” that hurry/hurry lifestyle in the twinkling of an eye.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t fix it.


I lived in my hurry/hurry life for so long I didn’t think my life could—nor should— be any different.  I thought my life was normal.


After all, everyone around me, and just about everyone I knew, lived that same lifestyle.  Some faster, some slower-paced, but ALL had “that lifestyle”.  “I don’t have time”.  Or  “I’d like to, but I just can’t…I have too much to do”.


I felt that I was responsible for fitting everything in.  “Super-Mom” I guess.  So that’s what I tried to do every day.  Of course…it wouldn’t all fit in…. So, of course, some things got carried over to another day.  And another.  And another. 


Some of those things were not so important—but some were important.  And sometimes those important things were the ones that got left out.


This lifestyle can make you crazy.  It can make you late arriving at your destinations; can make you skimp on conversations with people you love; can encourage you to make wrong choices about what you do with your time—choices you wouldn’t make if you could relax and think first.


It can cause you to give a smaller part of yourself to the people you love—or a less patient part of yourself.


It causes you to neglect taking care of yourself—neglecting rest for your body (and mind).  It causes you to not have time to be still for a few minutes and reflect on your life in the moment.  It may keep you from taking time to cook healthier meals—or cook meals at all.


If you actually ARE able to cook healthy meals, it may keep you from nurturing your loved ones, from exercising your body, from spending quiet time appreciating the precious moments in your life (that you’ll want to remember).


Sometimes we get so over-stressed we can’t enjoy the results of the things we accomplish from all that pushing of ourselves.



I will tell you from my education at Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, and from all the specialized trainings taken since then, along with my own personal experience, You CAN do it all… for a time.  Then… when your body says so… you can’t.


Our bodies were made to rest.  To take a time of refreshing.  Our minds were made to have times of peace—and quiet thinking.


Our bodies are wonderfully and miraculously made.  They can take a lot.  But we weren’t made to go continuously at high speed.  It’s reckless, disrespectful and irresponsible.



1.     It’s not just our food that makes us weak and sick.  We need peaceful sleep so our bodies can be refreshed—this includes our heart muscle.  And our brain.


2.     We do need good nutrition.  It gives us the strength to work hard, and to think quickly and deeply.  But as long as we eat the Standard American Diet, we’re not getting nutrition.  We’re actually poisoning our bodies with every bite.  This poison takes our energy, our strength, and it feeds the things that attack us.  It slowly kills us.


3.     We also do need to manage our stress levels.  And we absolutely can’t do that, running on high speed continuously.  We need to take moments to rest.  To be still, and think—and reflect.  To truly be realistic about what we can physically do, and give ourselves realistic expectations of what our goals can actually be.


Possibly we might see the need to re-prioritize our lives.


4.     We need to exercise every day.  Our muscles need it.  Our. mind needs it.  Our skin needs it.  Our blood needs it.  Our lungs need it.  Look at all those things I just mentioned, that need our body to move.  Those things need us to truly be in charge of our lives.  This is necessary for us to live a healthy life.


These are not the only things we need, but if we have these four things moving in our favor, they will put us in a place where we can truly feel good, and peaceful… not rushed all the time, and overwhelmed, with no time to feel peace.


Our lives weren’t meant to be rushed and hurried.  We weren’t meant to live like this.


We were meant to have time to experience, and feel, the joy of other people.  We were meant to be strong enough emotionally that we don’t groan under the burden of negativity (of other people) that sometimes seems to abound in our world.


Let’s experience our lives like we were meant to.  Let’s give thanks to our Maker, and appreciate the way our bodies are made.  And let’s determine to take care of our body so it will continue to serve us.


Let’s change it.  Let’s just slow down. 


Change can be Scary.  And it’s so easy to feel like “I Can’t Do it!!” 


But, it CAN be done.  I can help you put your goal into words that you want to work toward.  And I’ll help you find the path that you want to follow.  And I’ll help you get there. 


There are ways to make changes that you CAN do!


And Remember… Small changes make a Big difference!


Let me help you find the path you want, to health and energy, and peace and calm.  Let’s get that “Overwhelm” out of your life.

CLICK HERE for one-on-one coaching.


I look forward to hearing about your goals!


Thank you for reading.






Here are some examples of small changes that you can make that can start you on your journey.


1.     Make fruit-infused water (or tea)

2.     Plant some plants—indoors or outside

3.     Look for (AND FIND) a new path to walk, or bike, or hike

4.     Visit somewhere nearby that has water…let it calm you

5.     Listen to some birds singing

6.     Visit a local farmer’s market

7.     Visit a library or bookstore

8.     Try a new recipe that has a plant slant

9.     Meet some friends late afternoon or early evening

10. Gaze at the stars

11. Gaze at the clouds

12. Put some lavender on your bedside table

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