
Celebrating Independence Day

Sharon J Cole

First of All, Congratulations, America!!  On the 248th Commemoration of the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted!!


Since then, the US has grown from 13 colonies to 50 states and 14 territories.


Our United States has had the achievements of producing the light bulb, modern flight, the internet, air conditioning, and movies—just to name a very few things. 


We have more than 2.7 million miles of power lines, electrifying our country across over 4 million miles of paved roads.  Over 90% of US households access broadband internet.


But most of all…We are a Free Country.  Our laws are made by our own people, that we elect.  That’s how we’re set up.  What a Blessing!


And that’s the reason we celebrate this holiday.  Let’s SOOO appreciate our Freedom!


So, I’m taking advantage of this holiday!


And Here’s to the next 248 years!!


I hope you’re able to enjoy this holiday.


I’m enjoying mine, from Lake Ouachita, in Rural Western Arkansas!



My sunrises here at the lake aren’t the same as home, but they’re beautiful just the same, and I’m enjoying the time with family, time on the water, and enjoying my first camping trip since my children were small (lots of years ago!)


(And the sunsets are Amazing!!)


Everyone should “take time off”! 


I’ve taken lots of vacations in my life…and I’ve gone lots of years without any vacation at all! 


When my three children were small, our little family would take a vacation almost every year.  We went to as many states as we could.  We would always drive.  And lots of times visit relatives along the way.


Those vacation times were great times!


In more recent years, when my husband and I were building our real estate business, that was challenging on its own—listing, selling, managing the office with all its challenges, and doing all the paperwork… and also managing the agents—a different kind of challenge.


At that same time we were having estate/moving auctions almost every Saturday.  Some weeks we had them on Friday AND Saturday.  That included taking most of a day to visit the location and list the items. 


It included making an ad for the newspaper and getting it to them by their deadline.  And going out early on auction day (before McDonald’s opened many times) to set out and organize the items to be auctioned.  Oh…and then actually conducting the auction.


We also had cattle (I don’t know how many but he usually has between 100-200 head) to be tended to.


So I know how it is to be super-busy and unable to “take a vacation”.



Sometimes you can’t fit a vacation in.  But when that happens, it’s nothing to feel really bad about—just enjoy something about where you’re at…so you won’t feel deprived, and begin to feel sorry for yourself.  There is always something to appreciate and enjoy.


(You could even have it as your goal to enjoy your life, the way it is, and where you are…while you make goals to make it exactly the way you want it.)


Vacation doesn’t have to be a trip, either.  It can be taking a day, or even a half-day, to do something you want to do.  Something you can enjoy.  Whether it’s cooking, gardening, sitting in the sun, hiking in the woods, taking a picnic lunch somewhere other than where you are; or even enjoying a few minutes with a friend over coffee …just anything.


Any change of scenery in your life—short or long—can give you a boost. 


So this year I had the opportunity to join a good part of my family on their summer camping trip. 


My husband doesn’t “camp”…he has cattle…and a dog…that “need him at home”.  And we have no camper.  Looks like a no-go.  Except I really wanted to go.


I did not know you could actually rent a camper, to be delivered and set up.  And that when you get there, the air would be cool… and it would be furnished with linens, coffee pot, and those kinds of things.  But I searched anyway…and found a company who does exactly that.


So I’m spending this whole week camped on the lake, eating food cooked outside (well, sandwiches too), enjoying the boat, and the lake—and the kids.  And just enjoying the “outdoors”.  


I get up early (the farm life ingrained in me I suppose) and I love the quiet of the mornings, especially outside.  It’s perfect to enjoy that first (and second) cup of coffee outside before “the neighborhood” wakes up.


Our family’s campsites are not close—separated by about a mile—since I didn’t make my reservation quickly.  And Yes, there are a lot of other campers here.  But it’s a quiet, family area and I feel the peace outside in the morning drinking my coffee.


My husband sent steaks for us to eat one night, so my son will be grilling those. 


My son actually had to leave for the day today, and left early, but was able to come by my camp (6:30 a.m.) for coffee on his way out.  What a rare treat that was!


Then my sister walked to my site from hers, some distance away, and we were able to have coffee together.  Such random, unexpected happenings…it fills my heart.


My son-in-law and nephew scuba dived yesterday, looking for random treasures, while my daughter and granddaughter and I just enjoyed the lake water (which so far we’ve been able to do every day).


Tired at night?  Yes, I am! 

Sleeping well?  Yes, I sure am!


My message to you this week, is to ENJOY your life.   You can do it.  Do it in random ways that you can not just squeeze in…but that you actually plan, and squeeze some other little thing, out.  Try it.  Please just try it. 


You may have to take the time.  It probably won’t jump on you and show you you can do it.  You may have to force it.  But once you do it, then do it again, you’ll begin to see that you actually can do things you want. 


Maybe only one thing now.  Maybe not as often as you want.  But it’s only the beginning.  Take the Time.  Start out with one little thing.


And if you “can’t right now”, determine to try it anyway.  In some little way.  I challenge you to try it.


Have a Blessed Week.


Love your Life.


Love your people.


If you don’t have your people, you will do yourself a great favor to find some…make some.  Someone is probably out there looking for you… make yourself friendly…that’s probably all you’ll have to do.


Thank you for reading.


Eat as good as you can…Rest as much as you can…But ENJOY YOUR LIFE…AND ENJOY YOUR PEOPLE!



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