
Stressed? Building our path...
Changing our lives...

Sharon J Cole

Why do we have Stress?


What does it do for us?


Well, Stress typically causes us to take some kind of Action. (A good thing!)

It helps us meet deadlines;

It helps us get the garden planted early so it will produce;

It helps us get those weeds out of the garden so it will grow good;

helps us Escape danger, and

all sorts of other good things Stress does for us.


But seems like we, along with so many people around us, are sometimes overcome with it, and our bodies and minds feel the weight of it.



Do you know what “stresses you”?


Do you have chronic stress?


Is “being stressed” taking over your life?  I mean, your disposition; your patience; your positive thoughts; your habits?


Do you believe you are ABLE to lessen the power the stress has on your life?


Things happen in our lives; some good—some terrible, and lots in between.


So many things we don’t have Choices about.


But we do have many, many choices in our lives…

and This is One of Those Choices that we can make, that will change our journey.



So, what causes your stress?


What are your REAL stressors?  The things that push your buttons.


The news?



Worldwide problems?






and then, what about:


Social Media?

“People, in general”?


These things, Big or Little, affecting us too often, can be a major stress to our lives.  Just the distractions alone are a stress. 

How important are distractions?


Distractions keep us from making quick and sound decisions. Causing stress? Yes.


They keep us from moving forward on our goals—our forward motion stops.  Causing stress? Yes.


Statistics show that for people in general, their Number 1 Stressor is around Money.

#2 is work-related, followed by

#3, Health

#4, Marriage

#5, Children.


But we’re all different, and I think there are so many more things going on around us right now, and so many things happening, I think some of that is bound to have shifted in the last few years.


Regardless, we CAN lessen its hold on us, and have a more peaceful life.


We’ll always have problems.  The answer is in how we handle them.  And so many of the big problems in the last few years have been overwhelming, I think we’ve forgotten that we can get a handle on our lives.



I was divorced long years ago.  It was a very painful and hard time in my life.  Then my home was foreclosed on.  Then I didn’t get to finish raising one of my children (that was the worst).  I also switched jobs during that time.  I was single for about 7 years. 

That doesn’t have to be a stress, but I’d been married for most of my life, and it was stressful for me—however I did adjust well to it and looking back, I’m thankful for those years to get to know myself better.


After that I was in real estate for around 30 years.  Farrell and I owned our company for the greater part of that time.  I was a Principal Broker for almost all of that time.  We started from scratch and built our company to the top producing company in town.


I’m telling you this to say that I had a lot of long-term stress.  I didn’t know I was stressed.  I liked working.  And I felt healthy.  Until I wasn’t.


My stress helped me develop an autoimmune condition.  Stress weakens our immune system, uses up our energy (in all negative ways), and helps us make wrong choices in our food, and in the way we live.


Most doctors say there is “no known cause” and that there is “no cure” for autoimmune conditions.   That’s what several doctors told me.


I researched until I found a Functional Medicine Doctor, Dr. Amy Myers, in Austin, Texas, who specialized in autoimmune conditions and thyroid conditions.  (She isn’t practicing anymore—I understand she’s in research and uses her voice to help other physicians understand the core of today’s health problems.)


But her clinic introduced me to my life and health the way it is today.


I couldn’t get an appointment with her for 8 months, so made an appointment with her assistant.


When I went into his office, I said, “Can you please help me feel better?”  His response was a very calm and quiet, “Why don’t we just make you well?”


We truly do have a choice in our health.  And for me, Functional Medicine showed me how.



There are lots of things we can change about our lifestyle that will help our stress, and give us more energy, better sleep, better nutrition, and “the will” to make permanent lasting improvements to our lives.  And to make our lives more calm.


Good Nutrition. Of course, one of the most important things is the food we eat.  The Standard American Diet is not real food, for the most part.  Real Food will help you be well.


Good Sleep is another thing that helps relieve our stress, and helps us think better, gives us more energy, and generally improves our health.


Positive Thoughts reduce our stress.  They also help us feel better overall.  When you catch yourself thinking those negative thoughts, just turn that thinking around to something positive.  Especially if that negative talk is toward yourself!

          Try these things too:


          Practice Being Thankful

          Stop.  Take some long, deep breaths.  Pay attention to your breathing.

          Practice Loving People.


Meditation is proven to reduce stress (some say more than any other thing we can do).  If you haven’t tried it, just give it a try for a week or two.  Every day. 


There are several meditation apps that can help you: Headspace, Calm, Muse, Soultime (Christian app), Ziva Meditations on line, and many others.  When you try it, you’ll probably be amazed.


Prayer.  If you haven’t tried it, please do.  Ask our Heavenly Father for wisdom and strength to make those changes you want in your life.  He wants us to live a peaceful and calm life, and to help others to do that too.  He’ll help you.  And while you’re at it, read the scriptures.  He talks to us there.’’


Thankfulness.  When we’re thankful, those negative thoughts are not as apt to creep in and sabotage our hopes.


Mindfulness… What’s Mindfulness?  Thinking in the moment.  Or, another way to put it, Not Multi-tasking.  Paying attention to what is going on, Right Now (without the distractions).


Exercise will reduce your stress better than any prescription you can buy.  And if you do it regularly, like daily, it will totally change your health—AND your stress.


Essential Oils can help you with stress.  Diffusing them into the room is very helpful. But choose good quality.


Spending time in Nature is a natural stress reducer.


Social time with Friends usually does away with your stress.


Intentional Relaxation. Like, coffee on the porch; being still and listening to quiet sounds; watching the sunset; taking a bit of time off from work to do something fun; a mini-vacation for even a day or two.


Goals.  Goals are something that can truly make a difference in your stress level.  Make the goals.  Write them down.  Write down some steps to start in that direction. 

Start with Step 1, and get it done.  Then Step 2, etc.  This is a great stress alleviator, because you’re actively going where you want to go.  It changes your mindset from stress to hope of getting to your goal.



So the Stresses in your life, CAN BE CHANGED.


It can be a combination of some of these things I’ve mentioned, but in my experience, just one thing changed will give you a boost toward more peace and calm.


So you’ll be ahead if you choose just one change to make.




It’s a Journey.

All sorts of Detours, good and bad.

All sorts of Distractions.


But You can change your mind, from Stress to Peace and Calm.


There is a Path…


We Build that Path ourselves.



I’m having an in-person Group Coaching Class this Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to noon.  It’s all about STRESS.


The cost is $50, and we always have healthy snacks that taste good.


Let me know by this evening (Thursday) if you’d like to come.


We’ll uncover things that will help us be more productive while at the same time having less stress.


It’s relaxed and fun, and we learn a lot.  We make plans for changes in our lives, and you’ll be included in our Facebook Group.  We also usually have a couple of new recipes.


Just give me a call, email me at sharon@whereisyourcalm.com, or click the link to register.


My Goal for your life is a Life of:

Less Stress

More Ease

More Energy and Enjoyment

Better Health.



Thank you for reading, and I pray for Peace, Healing and Calm for your life.



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This site offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.  

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